What's your favorite thing about Atlanta? The variety, and the tons of places to eat!
What's your least favorite thing about Atlanta? All the racial bullshit.
What are your 5 favorite local hangouts? Dixie Tavern, Dark Horse Tavern, Red Door, The pool Hall (for shock value), Star Bar.......Wherever da partys at!
What's your favorite slang expression? "Motherfucker!"
What's under your bed? Dust Bunnies
What's your guiltiest pleasure? Sugar
What's your most prized possession? My Dog
What's one thing people are surprised to find out about you? It used to be that I had tattoos, but now probably that Im very passionate about certain things.
Quote a line from your favorite movie. hmmmmmm, seriously there are tons! Ill have to pick later.
I consider myself an open-minded person, but my deal breakers are smokers and prudes
It's Sunday morning at 10 a.m. If I'm not still sleeping, I'm workin in the shop or on the computer
The quickest way to my heart is laughter / honesty The quickest way to my bed is flirting and openess And in the morning, I like my eggs cooked scrambled w/cheese
When I die, I believe I will go to outer space
I wouldn't be who I am if I was someone else
I wouldn't sell my dog for a billion dollars.
If I could have any super hero power, it would be super strength and i would use it in evil ways