Saturday, August 20, 2011

my loving husband

I love you with all my heart, mind body and soul. Your one hell of a husband, not to mention an outstanding father. You've gone out of your way to make me happy and to make sure the children have what they need. A'm not only lucky but I'm blessed to have you in my life and proud to say that I'm your wife. You've done so much for me I couldn't even to begin where to start when thanking you. The only way I know how to thank you is to love you everyday of my life. I know that you don't believe in god but I know deep down inside that you were sent to me and I to you. Heaven Sent. I know Im not perfect as much as I'd want to be, but when I look at all these other women and to think that your with me, to me that's something special. I'm no barbie doll, and I know I'm not a size 2, but Im not job of the hut either, and I want to say thank you for loving me for who I am. I have no desire for anyone else, so your it baby, your stuck with me, and you know what? Its a damn good feeling to know that I have something wonderful coming home every night from work. I love you. If I had to do it all over again when the day I met you, I would. Wouldn't think twice about it. I want to grow with you and wake up in your arms. Thank yoiu for making me your partner in life, my best friend, lover, my husband. I love you

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